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Ball starts left and then curves to the right for a right handed golfer



Grip too weak, Ball Position too far forward, Chicken Wing, Rhythm, Balance


WEAK GRIP is a term used to describe a grip that is turned too far to the left. This grip will have a tendency to leave the clubface open at impact. Rotate one or both hands to the right. Until you find your neutral grip, your grip pressure will be light throughout the swing allowing the gap between the forearms on the follow through to get narrower.



BALL TOO FAR FORWARD will influence the shoulders to be open at impact, spun out. Move the ball back towards the center of your stance until you find your neutral.



CHICKEN WING refers to holding the clubface square/open through impact, collapsing the left arm rather than rotating the forearms and clubface. The chicken wing is most likely caused by clubhead throwaway earlier in the downswing. Ideally at impact we would feel a bent right wrist and a flat left, within the motion of the swing. We would never flip the ball in the air with the hands. Always smash down, out and forward toward the target.


RHYTHM is the swings lubricant, allowing the time for the sequence of your swings mechanics to take place, let the swing flow smoothly at an even pace back and through.


BALANCE is the key to consistency of your swing. Perfect balance is achieved all the way from a perfectly balanced set up through to a perfectly balanced finish.





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