Golf Training Aids Prescriptions

Whippy TempoMaster Elite Driver
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P.G.A Professional prescriptions for fundamentally sound Golf Training Aids that Work!


Please click on the most relative link for our P.G.A. Professionals golf training aids prescription.


Golf Training Aids Prescriptions for Gaining Distance.

Golf Training Aids Presciptions for more Consistency.

Putting Training Aids Prescriptions.

Golf Fitness Prescriptions



Learning golf - Which style of learning is the best?


Remember how you learned to walk?


We don’t either, but have been told it went something like this.


Stood up, fell down, stood up, fell down.


Stood up, felt balance for the first time, fell down.


Stood up, felt balance for a fraction longer, fell down.


Stood up, felt balance, took a step, fell down.


Stood up and walked




The best learning style was the feel of balance and the visual of other people walking correctly. The words of support and the advice that were received also played a part in the process however the dominant learning styles were feeling or kinesthetic related.


Learning a motor skill requires that all of the learning styles be utilized however the dominant learning style and the most successful is feel related followed by visual and then verbal reinforcement. When looking for improvement we are very successful, if we follow this process.


  1) Feel, see, and understand the correct motion or desired swing change.

  2) Test and modify.

      3) Repeat and ingrain.

      4) Refine.

      5) Perform under pressure.

      6) Look for the next game improvement upgrade.

      7) Return to step 1


The correct golf training aid for the desired swing change is perhaps the most valuable learning tool you will have.


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